(More than three) beautiful things: The semi-work edition

Originally uploaded by yaznotjaz.
Okay, kids, so remember that part where I said I was going to post "three beautiful things" everyday? Well, clearly, it didn't work so well, because - once again! - I haven't really updated in nearly three weeks. The good news is, I've been scribbling down beautiful things in my lovely little Moleskine notebook, as I am wont to do with all potential weblog posts. The part where it backfired is the part where I neglected to type things out. But I guess the fact that all you all still stop by means you don't mind reading about things three weeks later. Long live our communal procrastination tactics, rockstars!
Meanwhile, I'm drowning in project plans at work (three of them, kids, THREE!), so I apologize for what'll be continued sporadic posting. But here's some short stuff for you to read:
- Regarding the photo above, I recently posted it to flickr with the following title: "My fax cover-sheet got printed looking like this and I was so tempted to append a note saying, 'Thank you kindly, clearly we appreciate your business/enjoy working with you,' and just send it off like this." I make myself laugh so much, you don't even know.
- Funny subject line on email spam at work: "Hey, our boss got fired?"
- Funny spam subject line #2: "Offices have been closed permanently."
- We received a shipment of new envelopes and brochures at the office, and I couldn't stop going into the back room and lifting the flaps off the boxes and sniffing inside. I have decided I love the smell of new paper.
- Also, there was this work-related event where I had to do quite a bit of talking, and the Board has decided I am a "fantastic speaker," as well as "articulate" and "personable." Who knew? However (in somehow related news, just take my word for it), some Muslims apparently can't handle headwraps, though. Muslims are so annoying sometimes. They needa stop with that drama.
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